Reflecting on an Inspiring Networking Event for Mom Entrepreneurs

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of participating in a fantastic online networking event for mom entrepreneurs. It was truly amazing to see and hear from all these incredible mamas who are dedicated to making the world a better place. The energy, passion, and creativity were absolutely infectious, and I feel so renewed with energy today.

Meeting so many inspiring women was a highlight of the event. Each one had a unique story and perspective, and it was striking to hear their responses when I explained what Elle's Corner is all about and how it came to be. Every single mom said, "Oh my god, that is so incredibly needed!" This reaffirmation of the need for Elle's Corner was heartwarming and motivating.

The responses I received were varied and deeply personal. Some moms expressed, "I wish I found you when I was fresh postpartum," while others shared sentiments like, "I hated being pregnant and the postpartum period but felt so guilty about it because the only thing around me that I saw was that this was supposed to be the most special time in my baby's life." Hearing these words reminded me why I started Elle's Corner: to provide a supportive space where mothers can feel seen, heard, and validated in their experiences.

In addition to these heartfelt conversations, I also met several intriguing moms who have businesses in the same realm as Elle's Corner. These businesses offer amazing complementary services that could benefit my audience immensely. Think of a Fair Play Method facilitator, a pelvic floor specialist, a parenting skills coach, a sleep coach, and more. Stay tuned for more information about these potential collaborations!

I’m so excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and the potential to expand the resources available to our community.

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Let me know in the comments what you think about these collaborations and any other services you believe would be beneficial.

Warm regards,


How Elle's Corner came to be: from struggle to empowerment in motherhood


Understanding and Managing Postpartum Hair Loss: A Guide for New Moms