Challenge: Creating A 5-30-60 Self-Care Journey

As a mother, the concept of self-care often felt like a distant, perhaps even indulgent, idea. Caught in the beautiful yet relentless whirlwind of motherhood, I used to brush aside the notion of self-care, thinking my moments of respite would come "later." But as the days blurred into nights and my energy waned, I realized that waiting for "later" left me feeling depleted, less patient, and frankly, a bit lost in my own life. This personal revelation led me to a simple, yet profoundly transformative approach: the 5-30-60 Self-Care Challenge.

The Heart of Self-Care for Moms

To any mother reading this, know that self-care is not selfish. It's the opposite. It's a deeply loving act—not just for yourself but for your family. When we replenish our spirits, we have more love, patience, and energy to give. I learned that the hard way, through moments of exhaustion that left me feeling less than the mom I aspired to be. This challenge, though, has been a game-changer.

My Personal 5-30-60 Self-Care Lists

Embarking on this journey, I crafted three lists that have become my roadmap to a balanced life. Sharing these feels like sharing a piece of my heart, with the hope that it might inspire you to carve out moments for yourself too. What it basically means is that I have a page pinned to our kitchen whiteboard (the center of our family organization) that has 3 lists: the first list are 5-minute self-care activities that I enjoy doing, the second list contains 30-minute self-care activities, and the last list is my 60-minute self-care refreshers. My husband, and any other close family friends know that those lists are there and they all know these activities recharge my battery.

5-Minute Refreshers:

  • Doing a 3 to 5-minute breathing or meditation exercise.

  • Sipping a hot cup of tea or coffee.

  • Writing down one thing I'm grateful for in my grattitude journal, this can also be an affirmation for myself.

30-Minute Recharges:

  • Taking a walk, feeling the sun or wind on my face.

  • Doing a creative thing, such as working on my puzzle.

  • Tidy-up/prepping my night stand/sleeping area.

60-Minute Revivals:

  • Attending a yoga class.

  • Diving into a book.

  • Indulging in a leisurely bath.

The Journey of Sharing and Integration

Writing down these lists was the first step. The next, and perhaps more challenging, was integrating these practices into my daily life and communicating their importance to my family. It required openness, vulnerability, and a clear expression of my needs—a conversation that, to my surprise, was met with understanding, support, and love. I simply, but plainly, asked: “please help me incorporate the activities on these lists into my daily live, I need these acts of self-care to be a better version of myself, as a wife, and as a mom”. Now my husband sometimes pointedly looks at the printed out list and asks if I’d like to take 5 minutes for myself. The letting go part was difficult but I know that he has the household under control, and so I let myself take those 5, 30 or 60 minutes.

The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

Since weaving these self-care moments into the fabric of my days, the transformation has been profound. Not only do I feel more balanced and present, but my family has noticed too. These practices have become a lifeline, a way to anchor myself amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood. They've taught me that caring for myself is not just about me; it's about nurturing the well-being of my entire family.

To my fellow moms, I encourage you to embark on this self-care challenge. Start with your own 5-30-60 lists. Make them uniquely yours, you can always change the activities after a couple of weeks. It is all up to you! And remember, in the act of caring for yourself, you're setting a powerful example for your children about the importance of love, respect, and kindness—starting from within.


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