Get to Know Me Quiz: A Peek into the Life of Elisabeth at Elle's Corner

In the past few weeks, there's been an exciting surge in new followers and an incredible increase in blog traffic - and I'm so grateful for it! I thought it'd be the perfect time for a reintroduction, but let's spice it up a bit. Instead of the usual intro, I've taken a twist on those classic girly magazine quizzes. Check it out and have a laugh! Also, I'd love to hear from you - drop in the comments any quirky questions you'd like me to answer next!

1. If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life, it would be:

  • a) Pizza with all the toppings

  • b) Homemade lasagna

  • c) A giant, healthy salad

  • d) Chocolate cake (who needs balance anyway?)

So yeah totally go for option D here, I am a choco-girly!

2. My go-to stress relief activity is:

  • a) Yoga in my living room

  • b) Binge-watching my favorite series

  • c) A long, peaceful walk

  • d) Crafting something fun and creative

Again a D answer. While it used to be B (during my teens and twenties I watched so much tv!!), lately I don't bing-watch as much. Don't get me wrong, I still look forward to special shows to stream together with my hubby. But now I much rather read a really good fantasy (or romantasy) book or I like to emboider.

3. The most surprising thing about motherhood for me was: 
How much I expected to be ready for it, and boy-oh-boy how wrong I was about that!! I had baby-fever for a good couple of years, so it also really took me by surprise the amount of grief I felt for my old life.

4. On a typical Saturday, you'll find me:

  • a) Exploring nature with my family

  • b) Cozying up with a good book

  • c) Tackling a fun DIY project at home

  • d) Hosting a mini-cooking show in my kitchen

Before I had my daughter I think my answer would have been B (and most definitely in the winter), but now I think I inch more towards D. I have always loved cooking, and especially now making foodies for my two biggest loves (my husband and my daughter) fills me with so much joy! I like making dishes from the French Kitchen, and as soon as I put on my apron I feel so domestic but also super empowered!

5. One book that has significantly influenced my life is: 
Oh god this one is difficult, because I read a lot! But the last couple of years I'd have to say A Court Of Mist And Fury from Sarah J Maas. Especially because the main character (Feyre) goes through a depression during the first part of the book. The way it is written (nobody really notices, she feels so alone, so cut off from everybody and everything) really reminded me of my own postpartum depression. It was/is healing to read that book. Because Feyre does manage to break free from the chokehold her depression has on her (with the help of her chosen family and love of her life). Just like I did.

6. My secret talent that not many people know about:
Hihi, this one was also difficult to answer. So I had to ask my husband. His response was that I always manage/know easy ways to make a house a home, to make any space cozy and filled with love. I like to think that there are more people out there who have this skill, so maybe it is not really a secret talent per se. But I do have to agree with him a bit. I am very sensitive to how spaces and environments make people feel, and I love creating welcoming and loving vibes for anybody who's close to me.

7. If I had a superpower, it would be:

  • a) Teleportation (goodbye, long drives!)

  • b) Invisibility (hello, me-time!)

  • c) Super strength (for those heavy diaper bags)

  • d) Mind reading (especially useful with toddlers)

Totally A, can you imagine how easy it would be to do groceries, visit friends, or even sneak in a little getaway! I love traveling, but I also get homesick easy. So this would be totally the best for me!

8. The most hilarious parenting moment I've experienced:
Oh god, I don't think I win any parenting points with this one. But a couple of weeks ago I dropped a full carton of eggs in my kitchen en because I was unable to control my reaction the S-H-I-T word came flying out. Which then in turn was loudly parroted back to me by my 2 year old daughter. In the heat of the moment, and the expertly timed delivery of my kid made me laugh so hard!

9. My favorite guilty pleasure after the kids are asleep is:

  • a) A glass of wine and reality TV

  • b) Midnight snack raid

  • c) Online shopping spree

  • d) An uninterrupted hot bath

I think my online shopping sprees are still a remnant of my middle-of-the-night newborn feedings. Moms, if you know you know! This is a thing my husband is not too big a fan of (oeps)!

10. One piece of advice I'd give to new moms is:
I actually learned this advice from Cara (from TakingCaraBabies), but with all the wisdoms/opinions/advice out there this is the one I always come back to (and also teach my clients): You are the best possible mother for your child. To me this means that even though we as moms might doubt ourselves so much, all will be okay because we're our baby's mom.

Thank you for joining me on this quirky journey! I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more about the person behind Elle's Corner. Remember, motherhood is an adventure, and it's always better when we share it together.



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