The Power of Babywearing: Building Bonds and Boosting Mental Health

As a new mom, you might hear a lot about babywearing, and for good reason! It's more than just a convenient way to carry your baby—it's a powerful tool that helps strengthen the bond between you and your little one while providing numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. In this blog, we'll explore why babywearing is an essential practice for new moms, how it can boost your mental health, and the other incredible benefits it offers.

For me, babywearing started as a love-hate relationship that eventually grew into a love-love relationship. I think it had to do with a few factors. In the beginning, I suffered a lot from postpartum sweats, and having my baby that close to my body made me feel like I was living in ‘sweat city’ (population: me!). I also didn’t have the right carrier at first. But once I switched to a stretchy fabric wrap (like the Solly wraps), both my baby and I were much more comfortable.

Looking back, I realize that if I had used the right carrier from the start, I would’ve been able to soothe my crying newborn much more effectively. She was mostly crying from skin hunger, and I think her sleep would have been better, too.

I want to share this with you in hopes that it helps, and also tuck it away for myself for when the next little one comes along!

1. A Deeper Connection with Your Baby

One of the most beautiful aspects of babywearing is the feeling of closeness it creates. Wearing your baby helps recreate the warmth and security they felt in the womb. Your baby can hear your heartbeat, feel the rhythm of your movements, and be comforted by your presence—all of which strengthen the bond between you.

This skin-to-skin contact and physical closeness release oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” which promotes bonding and emotional well-being for both you and your baby. A study published in the Journal of Perinatal Education highlights that babywearing enhances maternal attachment, helping mothers feel more confident and connected with their babies (source).

2. Mental Health Benefits for Moms

The postpartum period can be an emotional rollercoaster, with many new mothers experiencing feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, or even postpartum depression. Babywearing offers a unique opportunity to ease some of these mental health struggles by providing emotional closeness and reducing stress.

Research published in Children and Youth Services Review shows that mothers who practice babywearing have improved mental well-being, lower stress levels, and a greater sense of control over their environment (source). The physical closeness babywearing provides also helps regulate the mother’s and baby’s stress hormones, particularly reducing cortisol, which plays a key role in anxiety and stress management.

For moms dealing with postpartum anxiety or depression, babywearing can also provide a sense of comfort. It allows you to keep your baby close, which can reduce feelings of isolation and guilt that often come with these conditions. Plus, the act of carrying your baby while having your hands free offers a sense of productivity and ease that many new moms crave.

3. Physical Benefits for Baby

Aside from the mental health benefits for you, babywearing also offers physical benefits for your little one. Babies who are worn tend to cry less, sleep more soundly, and even experience better physical development.

According to a study from the Journal of Pediatric Nursing, babies who are carried more frequently experience fewer digestive issues, and their physical development, including muscle strength and coordination, is enhanced by the natural movement that occurs during babywearing (source). This constant movement also helps with proper hip development, ensuring that your baby’s body grows in alignment.

4. Hands-Free Convenience

Let’s face it—being a mom means juggling a million things at once. Babywearing allows you to carry your baby while keeping your hands free for other tasks, making daily life with a newborn much more manageable. Whether you’re cooking, tidying up, or running errands, wearing your baby means you can keep them close while staying productive.

This hands-free aspect can be particularly helpful for mothers of multiple children, as it enables you to care for older kids while still giving your newborn the attention they need.

5. Supporting Breastfeeding and Healthy Development

Babywearing can also make breastfeeding more accessible and convenient. With practice, many mothers can breastfeed while wearing their babies, allowing for on-the-go feeding without the need to find a quiet space or sit down. Side note: if you choose (for whatever reason) not to breastfeed - you do you! Fed is best!

A thesis from the University of Nevada further suggests that babywearing enhances breastfeeding success, as the constant proximity of the baby encourages frequent feeding, which is crucial for milk production and establishing a good breastfeeding routine (source). This frequent contact also promotes a deep sense of bonding between mother and baby, which positively impacts long-term breastfeeding success.

6. Boosting Confidence as a New Mom

There’s no denying that motherhood can feel overwhelming, especially in the early days. Babywearing can give you a sense of confidence as you learn to navigate life with a newborn. The ability to soothe your baby easily and keep them close gives you a sense of empowerment, reinforcing your intuition as a mother.

Many moms find that babywearing makes them feel more in tune with their baby’s needs. You learn to recognize your baby’s cues quickly—whether they’re hungry, tired, or just need to be comforted—because they’re right there with you, rather than being separated in a crib or stroller.

Final Thoughts

Babywearing is more than a convenient way to carry your baby—it’s a powerful tool for fostering emotional closeness, promoting physical and mental health, and boosting your confidence as a new mom. Whether you’re navigating the newborn stage or raising a toddler, babywearing provides benefits for both you and your child that go beyond simple convenience.

If you're looking for a way to feel more connected to your baby while also improving your own mental well-being, give babywearing a try. With the right carrier, you can make babywearing a daily practice that not only enhances your bond but also helps you thrive as a mom.


  • Journal of Perinatal Education: Babywearing & Maternal Attachment (source).

  • Children and Youth Services Review: Babywearing & Maternal Well-being (source).

  • Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Babywearing & Infant Development (source).

  • University of Nevada Thesis: Babywearing & Breastfeeding Success (source).


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